Monday, November 15, 2010


between you and me, he has rearranged my organs
he's ON, like literally ON my mind weighing it down with the consciousness of his damn kisses
he decides how fast or how slow my heart beats
thump thump thump...and then he calls
i think i'm hyperventilating
somebody pass me a paper bag
ooh ooh ooh i purse my lips to let some air escape
and try to act as normal as possible
hello. in my most attractive voice which probably sounds like something between a stripper and a pop star
hey beautiful. the bass makes my phone melt
and there it goes again
we barely got a pulse
i think i'm dreaming
i feel my heart beat under the ribs i borrowed from him
questioning how could something so soft ever break?
my eyes get heavy to rush the days till i see him again
if i go to sleep now it'll be friday but it's only 10am on monday
let me keep myself busy
run around folding clothes, washing dishes, dusting like my name is cinderella
have you ever met a cinderella from the south bronx
you just did
i trick myself into believing that whatever today is, tomorrow he'll be here
until eventually he is
and he knows how fast my heart beats because it bangs against his chest
thump thump thump thump
like the rhythm of attitudes and the melody of schedules no longer conflicting
i'm just saying
he tilted my uterus so far back, i can see kids in the future
when i try to align it back to his pelvis
that's what we call the RIGHT angle
sh.t math never had a place in humanity
that's why one plus one only equals two in pencil
add that sh.t up in real life and you have three
him, the baby and me
that's just too much
i just got used to the idea of him being around
thump thump thump thump
oh nah, that wasn't my heart beating again
that was the headboard
don't think naughty thoughts though
we were only rearranging the furniture so we could make more space for our dreams
i mean
can you imagine? like my heart would beat outside of my body if it was in the palm of his hand
thump thump thump
that man has rearranged my organs, my life and my favorite channels
and that's fine because over the echos of my pulse, nothing else matters
thump thump thump

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