Sunday, November 4, 2012


In any relationship, whether it's friendship, work, or an intimate one, respect has to be established.  We have to interact with one another with the intention of leaving the other person in a better place than when we arrived.  It feels like too many times, we are crashing into one another with rushed experiences and no intentions.  Do you buy food with no intention of eating it?  So then why do so many of us join each other's lives without first examining our true intentions. Why do so many of us feel uncomfortable with requiring other people to take responsibility for knowing what they want or don't want to add to our lives?

It's a funny realization when you take the blame for your own misfortune, when you take responsibility for your own successes and failures.  And sometimes it's discouraging when you don't even recognize yourself anymore and people still hold on to who you once were.  It is difficult when people are still calling you a name you no longer answer to.  The worst part of that is waiting for apologies from your murderers - the people that killed you, the people that robbed you, the people who left the worst scars.  When you've been a victim for so long being a survivor is strange territory.  Stop waiting for an apology for a victim that no longer exists.  

Stop praying to a god you no longer worship.  Stop following a path to a destination you no longer want to be in.  I guess all of these once frustrated me about myself.  I was too loyal to dreams that turned into nightmares, men that turned into memories and jobs that turned into unhealthy but fiscally responsible habits.  I'm not that young and not that old and even still, time has been wasted.  Stop wasting the time and the life that you were not even guaranteed.  

It's ok to change your mind.  It's not ok to work on autopilot so much that you don't use your mind.

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