Thursday, January 12, 2012

Little girls crying

My daughter was crying over something trivial that she would probably forget in a few minutes; not because she's a forgetful person but rather because it really wouldn't matter.  So I sat her down and said, "Listen to me, don't cry over anything we can get back.  If you lose your notebook or your lunch box, we can buy those back.  Look around your room, everything in here, we can buy again.  Don't cry over things we can replace.  Save your tears for the things that can never be replaced.  You hear me?  Save your tears."

That was probably too deep for a six year old.  But besides giving birth to her, that was the only other moment where I felt I was truly destined to be a mother.  She has no idea yet, but she will need those tears and I will be right beside her when they fall.


Anonymous said...

by: casimir smith

i always thought u were an excellent mom!!!

Q. said...

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She will need her tear ducts replaced the way this world is going.

Theory Republic said...

im not a parent and i can say that was a beautiful moment and you never know later in life she may remember that moment and be grateful for it

MP said...

Beautiful moment between mother and daughter. I'm sure one day it will all makes sense to her. She's intelligent so she probably put her own little spin on it :)