Saturday, January 21, 2012


Sabotage I love you
And I pray for the dismantling of our deepest sorrows
Looking for a God whose faith is so great, He leaves his precious pieces unfinished
I dust the carvings of men once loved from the caves of my spine 
And I recognize that my love for you is exclusive 
Refusing to be penetrated by the demanding beauty of a perpetual challenge
If you could only love me in short sentences and second grade valentines
Your smile weighs on me like thunder storms, clapping the sides of my soul into cadences of curry
Spicy, feisty and feels so good going down 
But when the rain subsides and the house grows quiet, the pepper seeds of angry words & heated moments become vines that we can no longer stand on
And we will then find ourselves in the abyss of having been in love and guilty of suffocating it before it suffocated us
Sabotage...a beautiful and conniving love maker slicing sheets and pink flesh only to wake up as infidelity instead. 

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