Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Been Under a Rock

Took some time off.  Still not ready to come back to the world.  

A few updates...

I know what unconditional love is.  I loved through unbearable pain.  I want no mockery of it in my life.  Keep the fakes, the frauds, the generic brands of it as far away from me as possible.
It's ok to be sad.  One day, I will be ready to turn the pain into performance.
I value my privacy, sometimes more than friendships.  I simply don't like people telling my story for me.  I'm a writer, I think I have it covered.
I speak ill of no man I've loved.  Speaking the facts is not bashing.  Behave better if you want to be a better character when the story is told.
I do not and must not SEEK attention, it comes naturally and I shall deal with it accordingly.

You can be emotional AND logical.  I am equally each and that is for no one to know or validate.  I can feel without acting but maturity is to resist acting without feeling.

I am a lot of things.  I had to grow into those things and learn how to use those things to enhance my own life and the lives of the people around me.  I must not get angry at someone else for not having yet grown into their own powers.  Their journey is set to its own time. I have learned to respect that.
I can choose to accept an apology or I can decline it.  If I accept, I promise to myself and the other person to move on.
I have the right to demand and expect better because I AM BETTER.
Self sabotage is unnecessary.  If it's not meant to be, it will not be, no matter what I do or don't do.  I, nor you have to work overtime for the devil.
Being honest is vulnerable.  Being a liar is weak.  Get it?
There are things more intimate than kisses.  I value those things now.
I have not even begun to tap into my greatness.  Have you?

A few people decided to celebrate my life when I was starting to forget that I still had one.

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