Tuesday, April 26, 2011

are we petty?

it's a sad but reoccurring theme that women are seen as petty, disloyal and/catty creatures, more so than men.  are we?

i disagree. wholeheartedly.  i think both genders have their petty moments and their disloyal tendencies, not one more than the other but i do think that one gender is CONSTANTLY under the spotlight for their antics and that's ours [females].  now granted, in my own experience, i haven't had to deal with the trifling homegirl that slept with my man or stole my food stamps.  now that could be due to the fact that i don't have a man or food stamps to steal but you get my drift, i'm just counting my lucky stars that the women in my life have acted accordingly.  but moving along, i like to look at things from all sides.  of course someone is going to seem petty when they're loyalty isn't with you, but they're loyal like a motherf.cker to the other person in the equation so are they really petty or is it that YOU'RE not their priority?  think about it.

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