Thursday, May 26, 2011


i actually read a lot of blogs.  i call it research but i really don't know why.  i have a few favorites and then a few that i won't add to my favorites but i check regularly.  i don't know why i do that either.  i like a lot of blogs especially ones with short pieces and relevant pictures.  those are cute.  but the one thing i have noticed is that i require a lot of reading on my blog.  while i do occasionally post pictures and videos, i do ask a lot from the people that visit this little page of mine.  and i want to say thank you.  because even when my writing flows or it's at a standstill, the fact that you sit through this is very kind of you and i appreciate it.

oh and in reading a lot of people's blogs, i see how similar a lot of us are.  the downside is that i have met some, actually most of these bloggers in real life and they are nowhere near as entertaining in real life.  sometimes i'm disappointed but then i realize i respect their courage more than their ability to entertain.  and with that all judgement ceases.  

love you. from the bottom of my heart.

1 comment:

Q. said...

I dont know about your other readers but we should be thanking you. You entertain us, give it to us raw, and bring things into perspective. Your working for us. We thank you for doing it. I guess im diff. because I went from listening to you everyday and telling you to write that down now reading the fruit of that labor so im happy to read the short the long and the in between.