Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I hate ice.
It can be so destructive and damaging.  Relentless.
Tearing through ship hulls 
Freezing warm veins
Turning flushed faces into blue memories
I hate ice.
It can cause so much damage.  Rip right through you and then melt
Melt away like it was never there
Like it never kissed you with death on its fingertips
Like you were never submerged in it watching the sun peak through its depth
It melts away like it never hurt you
Like it never broke the flesh 
Like it never existed
Like its loud crackle wore a quiet smile
I hate it.
For disappearing once all the damage is done
And you know what they say
No weapon, no murder
So nobody pays for it
Nobody asks it for justice for your deflated body
For your stone cold organs
For the sunrise you will never see tomorrow
I hate ice.
That cuts deep enough to make you bleed only to dilute the very mystery of your own tragedy
I hate it.
I hate it and some men….
Some men are like ice.


Aisha H said...

An entirely new dimension has been added by your reading of the poem. I felt it so much more as your words cut through my being. Amazing!

Q. said...


Wow I continue to see your growth through every post and continue to yearn for more. If you stop I might stop so keep pushing and moving forward you never know who's reading and how its inspiring.