Monday, January 11, 2010


you filter through me like ashes
and you blow my mind like smoke through my nostrils
but you are nothing more than cancer in my veins
making me weaker with each step
i need an IV just to replenish what i've lost in your kisses, in your hugs, in your touch
my best friends have become my nurses
bathing me in my own tears and feeding me confidence
since falling in love with you, they've since tried to peel me off the floor
i have scrapes on my knees from begging you or God to give this an honest chance
and dating is going to be the death of me because i'm allergic to every man but you
my clothes are falling off the curves your hands once made
and being skinny is a white girl's dream and a black girl's nightmare
so i can't even sleep anymore
your kiss shook like an earthquake rattling my bones and collapsing my thoughts
and your touch opened my floodgates and flooded my walls
needless to say, i've drowned in you and our relationship floats like rubble in seas we can no longer reach
they resuscitate me but i need your oxygen to make my own
im too weak to stand but the memories of me dancing in your footprints interrupt my consciousness

and i die in arms i don't recognize
and live in spaces that aren't mine

i die in moments that once were true
i live in only you


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