Wednesday, March 16, 2011

if i knew then what i know now.

So today on Twitter I read something about a few people collecting advice for young women ages 12-18.  I'll be honest, I didn't research further into the project because I was doing too much but it did give me something to think about on my drive to work.  Naturally, I have a deep interest in female empowerment (blame it on the fact that I have six sisters) so I'm a little sad that I didn't get to participate.  But since we're here and this website is the home of female greatness I thought hard about what I wish someone would have told me when I was a teenybopper struggling with puberty, boys and stuffing my bra.
1. Be mad but under no circumstance should you be destructive.  (Someone should have told me that when I was playing Angela Bassett in my very own episode of "He's Cheating On Me and She Ain't Even White."
2.  Never talk in absolutes, you'll always be wrong. (Ironic but true)
3.  You don't get OVER bad things that happen to you, you get THROUGH them.  You have to learn to live through the pain.
4.  Time does NOT heal all wounds.  It's what you do in that time that can help you heal.  Furthermore, if what you do in that time is not productive to your problem, then you are not being productive enough
5.  Happiness takes practice.  (I gave myself the task of eliminating what I want to appreciate what I already have, but that's just me)
6.  Scraped knees leave scars but that doesn't mean you have to stop wearing skirts.  Broken hearts leave scars too but that doesn't mean you have to stop loving.  In both cases, just find a better method.
7.  Your ex boyfriend doesn't have to be your LAST boyfriend. 
8.  Some women can have sex without emotion.  Someone women can't.  Find out which one you are as soon as possible.  You might have to have sex to do it though. 
9.  Your mother is sometimes just that.  Sometimes she won't be able to be your friend but just remember she has a job to do.  Besides, you can have tons of friends but you only have one mother.
10. Not every girl wants a man like her daddy. Some of our daddies aren't men to begin with.
11. You know how you like compliments?  Other people do too.  Give them freely.  They're the cheapest gifts on the planet!
12. Ask your GYN all the questions you ask your silly homegirls.  I guarantee she will have the RIGHT answer.   As for the homegirls, that's always up in the air because they're learning just like you.
13. Smile.  (That's it)
14. You should be the first one to experiment with your own body.  Don't you dare be somebody's test dummy.  That's what cadavers are for.
15. Read and check your own damn spelling. 
my teenybopper days
16. Stuff padded bras only.  It looks a lot smoother under your clothes.
17. Love yourself more than anybody else.  You are your biggest investment.  Once you realize that, other people will too.
18.  Learn how to do your own hair and manicure. If you have to cancel a date because your hairdresser is out of town, you're going to miss out on something special.  Besides, free dinners are hard to come by.
20.  Speaking of dinner, always carry enough money to pay for the whole bill plus tip.  Nothing screams independent more than the ability to hold your own weight AND carry someone else's.  I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just telling you that it's good to know that you can if you have to.
21. Showing your ass is unacceptable.  Literally and figuratively. 
22. In your purse, always have a pen, a piece of paper, lip gloss, Tylenol/Advil, a tampon/pad and clear nail polish.  You will thank me later.
23. Fall in love.  You're not supposed to find someone to catch you.  You're supposed to find someone who will lay right there with you, where you fell that is.
24. Stretchmarks are not cancer.  They will not kill you. Granted nobody likes them but they can still like YOU.
25. If you dress up to go to the club, dress up to go to church.  You're going to dress up for a man who may or may not buy you a drink but you won't dress up for the one who died for you? Let's be serious.
26. For some reason, our society associates femininty and weakness so much so that it seems like they're synonyms.  They're NOT.  (For instance, if somebody's weak or emotional, they're called p***y, but there's nothing weak about the vagina.  Birthing mankind is not an easy task)
27.  You cannot control how you feel but you can control how you behave so please do.
28. It's ok to only paint the two toes that show in your peep toe shoes but under no circumstances can you take those shoes off unless you are in the privacy of your own home.
29. No expectations, no disappointments is bullsh.t.  Pardon my language.  Expect to be disappointed and when it comes, be disappointed.  That's ok.  That's a part of life. You know why? Because you're going to disappoint someone too. Just accept the cycle.
30.  Last but not least. Do your homework.  I just found out that there are more smart people than hardworking people.  You decide which competition you have better odds with.

One more thing before I go!
To all the women with UNIQUE names, don't let ANYONE forget it.  Whether it's my boss or the customer service representative on the phone, my name is what it is and you WILL call me as such. 
Now, go be great because I know you can be.

Bonus: Never lose your character for someone who doesn't have any.

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