Wednesday, March 30, 2011

someone asked

does love come before desire or does desire come before love?

in the past i've only dated men i've considered friends so the desire came AFTER the love was already established.  this time around, i let desire take the lead and i'm still waiting for love to join the party.  when you let love lead, the relationship feels more solid, more open and probably more forgiving.  cute guys are everywhere but friends aren't so you, or at least me, tend to be more willing to work through certain things. if desire leads and something goes wrong, i don't know if the desire will be there to work it out.  he'll probably just be a cute guy that f.cked i'm really not sure what works because i haven't done both...yet but regardless, there are some rough starts but sometimes that's no indication that a happy ending isn't going to follow.

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