Friday, July 20, 2012

The Promenade

These were not taken with my iPhone.  However, I told him where to point and click.  I decided to go to lunch sans my cellular apparatus so I had to settle for blackberry pics.  But this was the best lunch date ever!  It was simple - ice cream and a walk in the sweltering heat, which brings me to my next point.  Why are y'all dealing with men that don't put in any work!?!?  Now, I can rant and rave about bad men with the best of em but in my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, men have put in work with me. From my guy friends to the ones I was willing to marry.  We might fight, we might get on each other's nerves but with all due respect, the gentlemen in my past have put forth an effort.  Round of applause for them.

I'll be damned if I'm giving my all to someone offering the bare minimum. NO. STOP IT.  YOU ARE WHAT YOU ULTIMATELY ACCEPT.  Stop bending over backwards for someone who won't stand up at attention for you!  Keep in mind, once love is involved, all bets are off. I'm not talking to y'all.  But if the beginning isn't the best, then the worst is yet to come.    I'm not always going to be available and I'm not always going to be willing.  You can be a great man, but if you are not doing great things then I guess I'll just never know.  My kindness is sacred.  My intimacy is precious.  My mind is priceless.  A few text messages and a few bite marks ain't worth all that.  Sometimes lying on your back means you're in your grave.  Not all the time, but sometimes.  Chill out, look in the mirror, see if you're beautiful and let him take a chance to realize and acknowledge that.

Just because you don't want to play the game doesn't mean you're f.cking the game up.  Even in chess, you have to get to the queen.  Conquer something to acquire me!  I promise, once you do, an entire kingdom awaits.


Nat said...

Tass I don't know if you have psychic powers because I swear this just aimed at me! I <3 your blog man...

Nat said...

Tass I don't know if you have psychic powers because I swear this just aimed at me! I <3 your blog man...