Sunday, December 6, 2009

does she know?

spare me your bullsh.t
i saw her number in your phone
you're probably laughing in her mouth as i write this all down.
tell me something.
does she know my name?
does she know what perfume i use because it's still on you.

she must feel like the princess at the ball
with prince charming step and step behind her
does she know prince charming has a child?
does she know prince charming never smiles?
does she know this prince has no charm?

i imagine what your tongue must taste like to her
would i be wrong to tell her those strawberries she thinks you ate are really the juice of my thighs?
would i be wrong to walk up to her in a crowded bar and tell her that she slept in the sheets that i own? that i made?

i want to see her heart break like the promises you made
would i be wrong just because she doesn't know how right I am?


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