Sunday, December 25, 2011

Holiday reminders

My good friend, Cedric reminded me that my relationship is sacred so I can't tell you everything.  But I will tell you that the love that I have experienced in this past year has been monumental, in these last few days - breathtaking.  I usually don't celebrate Christmas but this year with the constant babbling of @ms_she I participated and I am a better person for it.

I thoroughly believe that there is a reason Christmas is celebrated at the end of year.  By the time December 25th comes around, you have lived through three hundred and sixty days of love, hate, deceit, infidelity, betrayal and a few bad hair days. We [my friends and I] have come a long way.  We found out some ugly truths, revealed some, made some new friends, found love or something like it, fought love, came out with some bruises and decided we would go a few more rounds, we did a LOT.  But in the end, we came out of this year so much smarter with the ability to laugh at exactly how dumb we were.  

I must say, this has been the year of REVELATIONS and my gifts are a testament of such.  Everything I received were reminders of my dream - to redirect my focus and understand exactly who to thank in the credits.

This time is not so much about the holiday but really about who stood by you for every day leading up to it.  To my old friends - these friendships are aging beautifully.  To my new friends - this is FO' LIFE.  To my supporters -  I have a few surprises for you in the upcoming year, thanks for sticking with me, you've made the upcoming third year possible.  Love you.

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