Saturday, December 3, 2011

Speak your piece/peace, I'm listening

this post...this story... i dont have the are a beautiful person, and my closest friend and we dont even really know each other, but every time you write i get closer to you and i learn a little more about myself. From the bottom of my heart, I believe you are the strongest person I know. --- Your biggest fan on No looking back.

You (and people like you) give writing a purpose and I thank you for that.  Growing up I  never anticipated that sharing my life would bring a sense of satisfaction or a sense of purpose for others.  I really appreciate this and I'll probably read through this (and the other comments) on rough days and especially on days when I don't feel like writing anymore.  Thank you for walking with me on this journey.  I know that you don't have to and that being here is a conscious decision so it doesn't go unnoticed.  Thank you for being my friend when I know I give you plenty of reasons not to on this blog.  Jesus is still working on me and as far as being the strongest person you know…well, I am honored.  Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No thank you.

----Your biggest fan