Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nature's Protege

I see yellow dust flicker into the sky when you speak
Like gold flakes from your lips, the touch of King Midas on your words
Watched you carve waterfalls from the palms of your hands and heard you invite the Nile to take note
Grew envious of the angels bathing in your creation
Their wings dripping with your artistry, their mascara smeared with your sweat
I believed you could make the world in eight days, just because you’re too Christian to upstage God
But seeing as you were created in his likeness, Michelangelo illustrated the greatness of your palms on the concrete clouds of the Sistine chapel
And so your majesty is eternally laced in the cracks where people’s prayers creep into on their journey to heaven
I might have recognized your brilliance sooner had impostors not shackled my faith like milk cartons to light posts where dreams only lasted as long as aggressive three pointers
Nothing but net
And the rebound is always calculated and necessary
Bouncing back from being swallowed whole
I watch you and see the glory of heaven tattooed on your chest
The portrait of saints sculpted from the very dust of your ribs
Innocent children playing tic tac toe on the blocks of your rearranged spine
I can see our language reflect through the smoke of your skin
You are a craved piece of perfection
Idle to the threats of successors and indifferent to whatever the history books will say about you later
I know you now and you are love
Like syrup from the barks of maple trees
and honey from bees with only one life to live
You tug at my clothes like the wind
Carrying me into the vision of the elements
Appreciating my own participation in the storyline of nature
You breathed air into me and watched my chest rise
Birth is divine
But living is entirely human

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