Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Briant M. Rowe

Briant has called many of you to a higher purpose. Life is often too short to apologize, to forgive, to enjoy even. Far too many times, these social networks convince us that we can describe every minute of our lives because we have them. The truth is we are on borrowed time and a lot of us spend time watching the clock, tweeting from in front of it and then in times like these, we end up weeping in front of it begging for more time.

Just because we are beautiful creatures going through ugly times doesn't mean we can't shine our light from the inside out. It shocks an entire generation when one of our own is taken abruptly. But like all natural disasters, there's often no warning grave enough to convince us to prepare.  

This has been a roller coaster of emotions for friends of mine and as much as it pains me to watch them go through this, the acknowledgement of death is also an acknowledgment of life.    I know that it easier to laugh with one another, to party together and to go on vacation with each other but friendship, family and unconditional love lies in crying and praying with one another.  Sometimes your only job will be to hold someone's hand to let them know they are not alone.  If you knew Briant, I wish you peace.  If you didn't I wish you wisdom to share your strength with those who are feeling weak. 

To his frat brothers, his friends, his family, his community, especially Reenee, Shadavia, Christine, D Jones, Matt, Carma, Genisha, Nate and many others, this is written with an unconditional love.


Cherelle D. W. said...

Thank you for this.

Unknown said...

Had to re-read this today...thank you.

Unknown said...

I had to re-read this today...thank you.