Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Fracture

Once upon a time, there was treasure in her smile.  Pots of gold in her veins and rainbows in the nape of her neck.  Between her legs, diamonds sprinkled out from the fountain of her virtue.  Who knew true love could be so visual?  Painted like clouds in the sky saying hello to the sun.  He found her sitting on a stoop, more beautiful than anything else on that block.  She wore poverty like it was couture.  She spoke ebonics like it was a romance language and somehow the hood did not leave cracks in her foundation like it had done to its pavements. 
“Excuse me, do you know which way Broad street is?
“Well, hello to you too,” Chrissy replied brazenly.  She did not like rude people nor did she help them.
“My bad, good afternoon,” he spoke as he reached out his hand.  “I’m Jamie and you are?”
“I’m the person who may or may not tell you which way Broad street is, otherwise known as Chrissy.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well.  Just go up two more blocks and you’ll hit Broad street.” 
Chrissy scanned him from head to toe as their hands shook.  His suit was tailored, his fingernails were clean and he looked as if he just stepped out of the barber’s chair. But he didn’t know where he was which meant he wasn’t from there.  She knew all too well that lost men were the most dangerous kind.  As he thanked her and continued up the street, she watched him get smaller and smaller as he got farther away.   Something inside told her that she would see him again and catching her reflection in a passing car, her smile told her that she wanted to.

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