Thursday, July 21, 2011

the male body

i have never been intrigued by the male body.  though i know that some male bodies are amazing, i've never really loved the male body.  i was doing some research on same sex relationships and i went through countless accounts, pictures and dialogue about the male body. i was uncomfortable but i found my way through it (and why would i be uncomfortable about a body that i've clearly had some experience with is another conversation for another day).  now why was i doing that research in particular?  because homosexual men are way more apt to describing the emotions of their relationships than heterosexual men.  for men to already be visual creatures, they would seem to be the most likely expert on the male body with no interruption of machismo (for the most part).  anyway it got me to thinking. i feel like i'm always asking, why men aren't more vocal about how they feel about women emotionally but i have a new question.  

why aren't women more vocal about how we feel about men physically? do we pay enough attention to the male body?  is it that we're not as visual or we're just not as concerned?  we're about to get personal.  i've had one man in particular (that i know of) memorize every inch of my body.  he knows where my beauty marks are, what state my birthmark reminds me of, the curve of my spine in mathematical degrees, the lines in my hands and how many eyelashes i have on any given day.  i mean, it's truly remarkable how he could write a novel just about my body.  not only is it remarkable but it's also flattering that someone was paying so much attention or found so much beauty in a human body.  because i felt like men usually have a type of women they like, i forgot how special a body can be to them. none of us are the same, we're made up of the same parts but her hair doesn't fall the way mine does and my cheeks (the ones on my face) don't have dimples.  no matter the preference or the type or however many similarities we share with other women, we are so unique and much praise to the men that notice.

but anyway, as i went through all these materials on the male body, i started going through my mental rolodex.  i've seen some nice male bodies but have i ever memorized one? can i recall chiseled abs, square jaws, broad shoulders, strong calves, defined biceps and the direction of the grain from his beard? i won't disclose that information but i will say, that i in no way, shape or form have been reciprocating the attention that i receive for my body for the male body. shame on me.  whether we realize it or not, men are human and share the same feelings of self consciousness of their bodies as we do.  so if we're sleeping with this male body, the least we can do is pay attention to it.  and let me tell you, once you start paying attention, you'll start seeing things that you love.  he deserves to be wanted too. you want to feel like a queen? fine but recognize when you're in the presence of a king.

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