Tuesday, July 26, 2011

what's going on at home?

i heard on twitter today, "anybody's queen can get touched."  i also heard "ya'll n.ggas too cool to keep your main jawn happy is losing!!!!"  i definitely agree with the second statement, especially since i tweeted the same thing the other day but i'm still touchy about the first.  i'll get into that later though but the recurring theme in both statements is that when something is lacking at home, it can raise serious problems.  i don't know the reasons behind everyone's cheating but don't both statements suggest that someone's not paying enough attention?

to be honest, no matter how attentive your partner is, some men walk around like tall glasses of water and let's face it, some of ya'll are thirsty.  and for women, you can do everything he wants and give him everything he needs but a drunk moment in a dark place can make even the most faithful man turn into a cheating one. i don't have a list of things to do to stop your partner from cheating but i will say that i've seen some irreversible damage happen when a person feels unappreciated.  certain things in relationships can't be fixed but sometimes all a person wants you to do is try.  sometimes, ya'll are going to switch roles.  maybe she does call you all the time but this time she's mad, she's hurt and whether you feel it's logical, justified or neither, care enough to try and find out why.  i understand that men pride themselves on being logical creatures but there's nothing logical about emotions.  you're not going to understand every feeling we have but sometimes the fact that you want to try is enough to take us out of that sad place.  and ladies, sometimes you're going to want to yell, scream and vent but if he asks for space, move. though i feel like it's not fair that one person can avoid a conversation just because they don't feel like talking, it's also not fair to have a conversation with an inattentive audience.

all in all, these last few days have taught me, that love might not have much to do with what you will do for another person, but everything about what you WON'T do to them just because you know how much it bothers them.

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