Monday, February 22, 2010

"Good Hair"

my hair is curly.
sprinkle some water on me and watch the ringlets form.
but that's never been a bad thing.
at least not me.
hard to manage but not a bad thing.
i got a perm when i was 13 to make it easier on my mother's arms and schedule.
perm, blow dry style, then off to school.
ponytails, buns or straight down my back, it's my hair.

senior year, i cut it all off.
and never thought twice.
it's only hair. if halle berry could do it, then why couldn't i?

fast forward. went to college.
decided that the "creamy crack" just wasn't for me anymore. and i grew the damn perm out.

now when i look back, the perm had no place in my life or my hair. now if you call it good hair, bad hair or whatever makes you think you know me a little bit better by classifying me, fine but it's none of the above. it's simply, MY hair.

curly when wet. get the gel, flip it over and blow dry it.
straight when you blow dry it. style it with a flat iron and run from rain at all costs.
and you can pull it, because it's all mine.

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