Sunday, September 11, 2011

pieces of me

i said before, "stop giving away pieces of yourself and wonder why you end up broken."  the heart is not a regenerative organ like the liver or the kidney.  if you lose a piece of your heart, well, you'll be lucky if you have enough time to say your goodbyes.  so i told him, i wanted to stop giving people pieces of myself and he asked me "so they get nothing?" exactly, they'll get nothing.  when people walk away with pieces of you, you don't manifest into something more.  it's just another piece you've lost and eventually you will give away so much of yourself that you will end up with less than you started with.  and people never give you back the way that they found you.  they reshape you, they add things to you, they take things from you and you are hardly recognizable upon your return to self.

though its's going to be weird keeping pieces of myself for someone i may or may not know to be affectionately called my soulmate, there's nothing scarier than someone offering you the world when you have nothing to offer in return.  if someone would like a piece of me, i can give you the phone numbers of the people who that piece was last seen with.

the part of me that believed love conquered all was left with a brilliant man but an unfaithful lover and well, you get the point.  i am a complete entity.  each piece is part of a larger whole.  i won't give pieces of myself away just to die in your arms. knowing you, you probably won't even give me a proper burial.

nonetheless it is a beautiful day when a woman realizes that even though she's missing a few pieces, she can put the ones that's left together to make an entirely new woman.

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