Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Concrete Cakes

Remember when I told you about Concrete Cakes??  Click here for a reminder.  Well, I met up with the creator, @Concrete_G and we had a great time.  I was a little nervous, well I was a lot nervous and I probably spoke too fast!  But he did a wonderful job and the feature is finally up!!!!  I'm so excited to be a part of a major movement of young artists and visionaries.  Humbled to say the least!  This was a great way to cheer me up and I want you all to really keep up with his website for more upcoming talent.  This is your generation so see what they're up to!  And thank you! Because with you noticing me, he wouldn't have!  
I love y'all! No seriously, like from the bottom of my heart!

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