Sunday, November 21, 2010

anne sexton

@danigirlbx asked me who anne sexton was and i immediately replied, 'she's an author.' i didn't even know how or why i knew that so i decided to do some research and come to find out she's amazing. and her life story is something i can relate to.  so let me tell u what i learned.

Anne Sexton was born in 1928.  she had a difficult relationship with her parents [her biographer noted sexual abuse] and turned to her great aunt, named nana, to escape from the reality of her alcoholic father and her mom who was a starving artist writer herself.  she ended up eloping with one guy while she was engaged to another. [sounds like something i did in a past life.] then her nana passed away shortly after the birth of her first daughter.  it was then that anne suffered from postpartum depression and had her first mental breakdown.  she started therapy and then ended up having another daughter, which eventually led to another spell of postpartum depression which also led to several suicide attempts.  in 1959, both her parents ended up passing away unexpectedly and the weight of her strained relationship with them took a toll.  while in therapy in an attempt to cope with her postpartum depression and the death of her loved ones, one of her doctors encouraged her to write and that she did.  her poetry was her confessional, laced with her despair, her fear, and her concerns vividly, with no shame for their ugliness.  she received acclaim for her bravery and her skill in writing and eventually became a celebrity. her writing was described as 'technically excellent' and drew readers in because they 'echoed her life.' [remember how i told y'all i don't want to be known for just having a talent? it's the skill that separates us something we've been given as opposed to something we create] anyway, despite the flashing lights, anne was dependent on doctors, medications, friends and lovers, torn between her talent and the life it described.  after an established career and notable acclaim Anne published the Death Notebooks in 1974 Anne finally killing herself.

Oh Anne. she was a tortured beauty.  i understand. because she's so brilliant, i'm gonna let her write this post for me. so i used her quotes with my life and came up with this. she speaks in italics & i write plain.

put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard
you may not like what you catch while you're eavesdropping, Anne
I am God, la de dah
Hmm...that's what the devil said right before he washed up on the shores of the Red Sea
plagued seven times over with thoughts of who he MIGHT be
and why would you want to be God anyway?
that's more responsibility than you're willing to bear
All I wanted was a little piece of life.  I was trying my damnedest to lead a conventional life.  But one can't build little white picket fences to keep the nightmares out
Well that's about the most honest thing you've said
Saints have no moderation, nor do poets, just exuberance
is that what you tell yourself to explain yourself? 
or even people like me?
people who write stories and convince the world they're just stories?
even so, i must admire your skill
you are so gracefully insane
as for me, i am a watercooler
i wash off
what does that even mean?
watercoolers can't love 
and i know you know how to love
cuz you ran off with your hair blowing in the wind and came back tied down to your ring finger
love? be it man. be it woman.  to love another is something like prayer and can't be planned, you just fall into its arms because your belief undoes your disbelief
you sound like a romantic
we don't believe in romance Anne
i am stuffing your mouth with your promises and watching you vomit them out upon my face
live or die. but don't poison everything
are you really gonna sit here and blame me?
for the poison you call life?
Anne. you are broken. 
you are shattered pieces of glass but even still, that's a reminder that once upon a time you were solid
the soul was not cured
it was as full as a clothes closet
of dresses that did not fit
well, every woman has that problem
being sixteen in the pants i died full of questions
sixteen was much like fifteen and fourteen and thirteen and twelve
i was like a caterpillar who died before she got her wings
and i kept wondering how many virginities i would have to lose before i felt brand new
trying to be born again without admitting i died
and what of the dead? they refuse to be blessed, throat, eye and knucklebone
take your foot out of the graveyard
they are busy being dead
Anne. a bit morbid, no?
a woman like that is not ashamed to die
i have been her kind
hmm. apples like that don't fall far from the tree so what seeds did your parents plant?
it doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who i remember he was
since you ask, most days i cannot remember
i walk in my clothing, unmarked by that voyage
then the almost unnameable lust returns
i like lust like i like him
it makes me blush
but grandma says you don't like people, you love people
you like things, so maybe i love him with one star from the entire sky's constellation
as it has been said
love and a cough cannot be concealed
even a small cough
even a small love
i don't know if i need all that
need is not quite belief
but our beliefs are everything we need without a reason why
like we believe in the after life to give us a reason for death
sometimes i could kill myself just to feel what it means to believe
suicides have a special language
like carpenters they want to know which tools
they never ask why build.

thank you Anne for joining me.

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