Tuesday, November 30, 2010


You know I love an inspirational story.  I first heard about Jabari from @danigirlbx who told me how he was teaching overseas in Japan and had made a major impact on their campus, Howard University.  She said, "Everybody knows Jabari," but you don't!  So I'm formally introducing you to a man who is making a difference in our world, serving as a positive image for Black men and taking chances that aren't given to many.  

Please show some support! Jabari is in the running to become the next host of the travel/adventure talk show "Paradise Hunter."  So far, he's already a semi-finalist but he STILL NEEDS HELP to become a FINALIST.  Considering he lived in Japan for two years after graduating from HU and travelled to nine different destinations for his 25th birthday, he's clearly the best man for the job and he's the only BLACK MAN.  Again, please show your support and love for a young man trying to do great things.   He even has a motivation vlog [video blog] that you can visit HERE


Read here while he tells you a little bit about himself...

Hi! My name is Jabari Smith.

Since graduating in 2007 from Howard University, I've had the privilege to travel to 11 countries throughout Asia, The South Pacific (Australia & New Zealand), The Caribbean, and Central America!

The experience has been life changing.

Growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana I've always had a great appreciation for the uniquely rich culture that my hometown provided. However, I've also always had an innate desire in my heart to see and explore the greater world.

Living and teaching in Japan served as the first of several defining experiences. Learning Japanese, and immersing myself in the culture opened my eyes to not only an appreciation for Japanese culture but for the greater global community.

I have made it my life's mission to share these experiences with others, inspiring people like me to step beyond their comfort zone and discover the world around them.

Paradise Hunter would be an excellent opportunity for me to expand and share my travels with others.

My varied experiences working, living, and traveling abroad have given me a great deal of insight into the variety of customs, terrains, and ethnicities that make our world dynamic.

From climbing to the peak of Mount Fuji in Japan and helmet-diving across the floor of Australia's Great Barrier reef, to ziplining across the rain forest of St. Lucia and zorbing down the hills of New Zealand's North Island, I have immersed myself in discovering and learning about the world's treasures.

I stand firmly by the belief that, "Traveling is one of the finest educations you can give yourself."

Please VOTE for me as your Paradise Hunter, so that I can serve as an inspiration to those who like me, have in their heart a desire to explore the world.

Your Friend, Your Companion and Fellow Global Citizen,

Jabari Smith

I promise we'll be able to share in an electrifyin
g and unforgettable journey of a lifetime!!!


Jabari said...

Thank YOU so much for this blog feature!!! I truly cannot fully express how grateful I am to be supported and uplifted by a sister who is walking a similar path of INSPIRATION!!! Continue to share your gift with the world, as you truly are spreading awesomely positive messages!!! "Paradise Hunter" is my opportunity to spread help enhance perspectives and promote a positive Black Male image on a GLOBAL scale!!! I appreciate you for assisting me in getting to that international stage!!! GOD BLESS!!!

Q. said...

Wow...this is amazing. Jabari, I sooo hope and pray you win. If not your story will continue to inspire many...I went to the REAL HU so I am sorry to hear of the mistake you made in choosing Howard...lol. jk. I am proud that you have started this journey and I know you will be amazing in the a very short time to come.

Dani said...

YAY!! Jabari! I love the both of you! Jabari for venturing out and reaching to achieve his goals. and T this was great (as expected) and it was quick lol

p.s.: How did I know know that Q was going to chime in with her Hampton Hating! lol

Q. said...

I wouldn't be a true Hamptonian if I didn't.

Jabari said...

It's ALL love, Q!!! HBCU LOVE ACROSS THE BOARD!!! Thanks so much for keeping me in your prayers during this journey!!! Please VOTE DAILY!!!