Sunday, November 28, 2010

four days in a flash

i missed you. let's get right back like we never left. and since i'm not trying to edit this, i'm gonna run through my thoughts fast so i don't change my mind about what i'm trying to say.

my uncle finally called me after thirteen years. i didn't care to know why he let thirteen years pass between us, the point is we're all adults now and i have a choice in loving him and getting to know him.  he will always be my uncle and i will always be his niece but that phone call was the first step in being friends.  him, my aunt, their spouses and children made the trip to the zoo.  it was a great way to break the ice and it's amazing to see that even with distance and time, the resemblance in our looks, mannerisms and speech remains.  i took tons of pictures because the entire scene was unfamiliar for me, which sounds like a tourist so i acted accordingly.

ok thanksgiving eve, i realized there was plenty to be thankful for as cliche as that sounds.  i made it a point  to make it to a happy hour for R KIDS and donate in the midst of a henessey overload!!! it was just another reminder that i made some GREAT and RESPONSIBLE friends in college.  thanks for holding my hair back and taking the wheel but give me some credit. i did NOT stumble in my heels once.  inebriation and sobriety are sometimes the same thing.

i finally made it home to catch up and enjoy some time with him.  coming up with a scheme for a dying fish and going over why it's not acceptable to come home with lipstick that's not mine can be both exhausting and hilarious.

spent thanksgiving morning giving thanks and that's all i can say about that. wink.
had dinner with two of my sisters and drank more sparkling cider than any human should be allowed to consume.

then i journeyed to the city to celebrate a birthday with a friend.  it was like a mini reunion, where honesty is always welcomed especially when coupled with a few margaritas.  finally made it home to someone more drunk than me.
"babe, can you sing for me?"
"right now? why?"
"because this girl randomly sang to me tonight and i just want to be reminded why i want you to be the only one singing to me"
that can only be defined as conversational ecstasy.
and while reading over a personal piece, we found ourself having a conversation about "The One."  you know my smart ass was like, "if you read the blog, you would know i don't believe in "The One," to which he replied, "did Thomas believe in Jesus? not until Jesus appeared before him so i don't think you have to believe, at least not until he presents himself."
and just like that, i'm still stunned.
then he made a startling discovery.  recently the blog has described different accounts of sex. isn't that brand new? i can't tell you why i've decided to incorporate that aspect of relationships into this web dialogue because i honestly don't know. however, i do think that with new inspiration comes new heights i'm willing to leap from.

moving right along, we had breakfast in the morning with my new love of fried eggs.  following up on the scheme of the dying fish from two nights before, we headed on over to the pet shop.  i had been babbling about getting over there and what do you know? somebody was paying attention.  i don't know which was more exciting, the fact that i was going to the pet shop or that he was taking me.  we walked in and had so much fun in the midst of our terrible scheme.  nonetheless, my accomplice taught me all about freshwater, saltwater and brackish tanks.  we saw chinchillas, crickets, lovebirds and an African gray parrot from the Congo.  i decided that in the future i would like some lovebirds and a parrot to raise with my child/ren.  he even told me a story about lovebirds that his father owned.  one escaped from the house in december.  the following july, he returned after everyone assumed he was dead.  isn't that the beauty of love? so yeah, i want some lovebirds to remind me that love of any kind, transcends all flight.

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