Friday, November 19, 2010

mommy's baby

pregnancy is one of the most beautiful gifts nature gives us.  i was too afraid to open mine. so i'm not saying i want more kids but i am saying that if a second time comes around, i'm unwrapping my gift gently.  i'm going to enjoy it. i earned that.
and for those people out there that make any female, because let's admit, it's not only women that get pregnant, sometimes they're girls, but if you make a female feel ugly at what should be a beautiful moment, i hate you.  i hate you for tearing down a human being and expecting her to raise one all at the same time.  i hate you for hating her.  i hate you for making her feel so bad that she wished she would die because you made life so hard. i hate you for giving her so much grief that she resented the very child in her womb.  can you imagine your only friend being the one inside of you? how dare you defame the beauty of motherhood?  all the advice you give her to get rid of that child, i wish your mother would have taken it instead. i hate you and i'm not gonna stop hating you. why? because you did that to me.
and believe me when i say, that's not what bitter even tastes like.

demi moore

marilyn monroe,  christina aguilera
paula patton
alicia keys

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