Thursday, August 25, 2011

how much is too much

so, i was flipping through some gossip blogs today, shame on me.  i came across pictures of kim kardashian's wedding to kris humphries. would you let the press videotape your wedding?  now, if someone asked me that i'm saying "hell to the no."  i don't even have an album on Facebook so what do i know about putting my business on front street?  i have yet to see the allure of putting personal pictures and videos up for people that you aren't really personal with.  have i cruised through people's photos giggling at the audacity of engagements of cheating spouses? of course i have but the idea of someone having pictures of me, my vacations, my child, my significant other, my family - that is a bit much.  i would feel like i'm giving pieces of my life to strangers.

now, not too far back, i actually posted pictures of me, my newborn and i even have a page of pictures of close friends that are under the 'inspiration' tab.  even that was a giant step for me, but because i feel that it's easier to relate to a writer that you feel like you know, i used those photos for some of you to get to know me.  do i still feel weird about it? uh yea! it seems awkward.  i've realized that just because i think photos of my family and friends are sacred, some people don't.  it doesn't matter who sees them.  i just know that some people aren't going to be happy for you and some people don't want the best for you and even though it's unfortunate, that's a good reason to keep some things to yourself.  keep some things sacred.  if you cherish something, why would you let everyone else have access to it?  i applaud people that can put their personal pictures everywhere but i'm just not there yet.  

and my wedding? the most romantic day of my life. nope. not everybody is entitled to that and my love is too sacred to be someone's entertainment.  though, it must be nice to have all of your pictures as memories in a magazine spread, i still want to save some for our children.  i want a sense of mystery, a sense of allure.  i want something that my husband and i can laugh about years later and it be just between us.  i can do without the speculation and the hoopla…let's just get married!

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