Monday, August 29, 2011

tell her

she was twenty two, young, full of life, naive, the type of twenty two that couldn't understand her scars. she was only twenty two, living for more people than she could afford... this is her story, be kind to her

i found a condom wrapper
and it wasn't mine
the bed felt like a ton of bricks in four walls not big enough, not strong enough, not hard enough to hold me back
the room started getting real dizzy like roller coasters to old women and little girls
the nausea that woke me up had finally settled back into that dark place where only bright candles were brave enough to go
my legs wobbled over to the dresser and i leaned on it just to get some balance
just to stop spinning for a moment
and that's when i felt the vibration of her thoughts
the bright light looked up at me and i looked at it
never intrigued by his phone before
never really noticed his phone before
but here it was three am and she had something to say
and him and i had shared everything except her
so i scrolled through countless conversations
where he called her what he calls me and told her about his days
days that he spent with me but so casually left out in his brand new accounts from a single man
i could hear her concern through her her fonts
she was worried when he was sick and he was thankful
but had he thanked me for taking care of him? 
i wonder how she thought he got better
there's nothing my warm thighs and soft hands couldn't fix
she even asked about his birthday and he said he didn't do much
i never realized that i wasn't much to do
and they spoke, day in and day out about days that didn't include me
but i was there
i remember because i have two years of memories to prove it
i have keys to prove it
i have the tattoo to prove it
so i sat there, numb as hell tears rolling down my face watching him sleep
watching him dream of her 
i sat there
wondering how you start over when you didn't even know you were finished
i rocked back and forth looking at the condom wrapper
looking at him
looking at the phone
all three culprits to my own madness
the trinity of a salvation i didn't know i was looking for
and then i went to go throw up 
but even your soul has limitations
and sometimes you ingest things that you cannot digest
so i hovered over that toilet bowl still dizzy from the world spinning around me but without me
i pressed the cold rag to my neck
felt the tension in my shoulders
the cramp in my belly 
the tiles on my knees
i felt the wind creep through me like corn fields on sunny afternoons
blowing pieces of me away just to spread myself too thin
i eventually stood up and got dressed, tapped him to tell him to lock the door
just in case i felt stupid enough to come back, please don't let me in
and he had the nerve to be angry …
i was so numb i couldn't even laugh at the audacity of the man before me, of the man inside of me, of the man that even when i left i would still be carrying him with me, i couldn't even laugh at how much of a joke he was
tell her how today goes
tell her that you woke up in the middle of the night trying to make sense out of something so wrong
tell her that condom wrappers are truth serums to pregnant women
tell her that had i gone through your phone like you went through me then maybe we would have found a truth deeper than toilet bowls with my tears, a truth deeper than a woman's womb, a truth deeper than the hole two friends fall into that they think is love
tell her that i exist
that i am not a figment of her imagination
that i have manifested pieces of you that will never see the light of day because of the darkness you insist on bringing me into
tell her that i loved you, even when i didn't know you
and tell her that your birthday was amazing because of me, because of us
because it wasn't just another day you were alive but because i gave you something to live for
tell her that as much as you share yourself with her it is of no significance, because even the devil gets around
tell her that an angel loved you
tell her that angels multiply
and where she will stand for you bullish.t, this angel will fly
tell her
and i walked out with him chasing behind me and her chasing behind him
not exactly the threesome you think of
but before i got into my car with him standing there, screaming at me to come back inside
i whispered…
this was already a threesome without her

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