Friday, August 26, 2011


everybody is entitled to their opinion.  you are not entitled to give a  i say that because i've heard so many things about myself from people that don't know me and from people that actually do and i can't tell you how much of it is simply not true.  some of these people are not being malicious, that's just their perception and if you let someone's perception of you become you, you get lost.  i remember saying things that i wasn't necessarily feeling.  i was almost repeating what someone had told me they thought i was feeling.  i really had to dig deep within myself to ask, "Tass, what are YOU feeling?"  and sometimes, i didn't like the answer because the part of me that is realistic knew that some feelings were nothing but recipes for disaster but nonetheless, that's what i was feeling and i learned to own that.  

i'm not perfect but i am not delusional.  thank God for that.

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