Monday, August 30, 2010

he said, she said.

i believe our communication [our meaning men and women] has got to get better. it's a constant tug of war with words between the two genders.  seriously. you guys...are the hell confusing. yeah i said it. your words and your actions are like distant relatives, only coming together for big events like family reunions and anniversaries.  other than that, rarely do they ever cross paths.  men, the ones i know and the ones i hear about fail to multitask.  if you're on vacation, you're on vacation. if you're at work, you're at work. whenever you're NOT with the woman in your life, you barely make it a point to let her know that you would rather be with her.  and maybe the truth is that you don't which is fine, take your space. but damn. can we get some acknowledgment? a text here and there to let us know that we've crossed your mind, that even though you're at work making the bacon that you would much rather be cuddled up with me. is that too much to ask? well if so, my fault.

the truth is, i don't know a woman on this planet that doesn't want to be acknowledged throughout the day no matter how busy you are.  and we get it, you're stressed out. [who isn't?] but aren't we the peace to your already stressful day? no? oh ok. maybe we are a burden. and maybe we nag sometimes. and maybe we get in the way. but honestly, we just want to love you, especially when you're stressed.  but who can love a man they don't hear from?  technology has to take part of the blame for this growing distance between us dating folks. between texting, bbm-ing, tweeting and whatever else is out there, it's so much easier to keep in touch but it's also much easier to half ass a relationship.  most of the time, it feels like you keep in touch with everyone else but US. and who is US you ask? US are the women who like you, are trying to get to know you, who loved you before face time, who put up with you before unlimited texting. WE are the women who fell in love with a face we no longer see and when we do, we hardly believe.  out of twenty four hours in a day, boys, seriously you can't take three minutes out to acknowledge the person you claim to have feelings for? no. well let me inform you of something. someone will. and that someone may not be someone she even likes, but that someone may like her. and his mere acknowledgement of her will easily outshine a text message from you that she hasn't even received. will she leave you? maybe. does she want to? probably not. but what's the point of staying if leaving feels the same?

to everyone, acknowledge the people in your life. and if you simply don't want to then please inform him or her that they have no place in your life. just be nice about it.


Sio M. said...

Truth. Its like you took the words out my head and put it on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Im just speechless for words right now... this is literally the bible. My favorite quote " whats the point in staying if leaving is the same"
- your biggest fan