Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Keep walking

Completely out of character for a moment. Let me talk my sh.t

I let down my guard and let you in
deep inside
tombs where other men were laid to rest
opened the curtains
let my light reflect off of your smile
put my hand in yours
interlocked our fingers as our bodies fit like puzzle pieces
I inhaled
I took you into me like mothers of frightened children
I promised you I wouldn't leave
spread my legs and opened my mind
shut my mouth and closed the door
you took my thighs into your mouth
and bit down into unfamiliar flesh
the ignored pieces of my body
you thought were pretty enough to make portraits of
you thought were sustaining enough to feed yourself
I fed you from the flesh of my love
put my tongue in your mouth
tasted your thoughts
swallowed your words
chewed on your hesitations
I gulped you into me
you ran your fingers through my hair
the very strands of me rippled like waves in a thundering sea
you swam in my waters
your body drenched in my tears
and when you entered me, the moon showed its face in the afternoon
one stroke after another
the pulse of lovemaking
the beat of vows
the drum of your organs on my walls
I screamed your name into the sky
named a star after you
kissed a cloud because of you
I know your heart
I dug into your chest with my nails and said hello to it
I left my fingerprints there so when your next girl does a background check, she will find me
sitting there quietly, looking back at her
mouthing the words to the love we made
I will teach her how to drink from your fountain
I will teach her to rock back and forth, up and down with her hands in the air reaching for a God who has taken the night off
I will teach her how to kiss you till the taste of human flesh keeps you full
I will teach her how to take you into her
pound for pound
second by second
fast or slow
I will teach her how to make love to you
to lay in your arms without you having to carry her
to love you without wanting to take anything from you
to love you with the divine purpose of loving you harder, longer and more passionately
I loved you
from the tips of my toes
to the bruises on my calves
to the apex of my thighs
to the curve of my spine
to the dimples of my back
to the swerve of my collarbone
to the roundness of my breasts
to the outline of my lips
to the flexibility of my ears
to the roots of my scalp
I loved you from my head to my toes
I vowed in that lovemaking to make memories worthy enough to make kings jealous and queens insecure
It was there when the wetness of my soul dripped onto your intentions, I vowed to love you forever
And as I watch your broad shoulders and the darkness of your back, I know as a part of your journey, I am not the end of it
My love, walk with my scent on you like the smell of the sun on blooming flowers
Walk with my love cloaked over your secrets like my body once hovered over yours
Walk with my faith clenched in your fists reminiscent of the time you cupped my breasts
Walk with pieces of my soul speckled on you like the freckles of strawberries
Walk my love
Walk until your legs get weak
I promise you the feeling will subside
And if you ever stop walking, if you ever need to rest, if you ever need a moment to lay down and catch yourself
There will always be room here because I am empty without you


Theory Republic said...

i wanna call this beautiful but i dont know if the place it seems to come from is...but i really did enjoy reading every line of it

Ariana said...


RawMultimedia said...

super awesome super dope...sweet