Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Unlike myself

running through hoops
that once looked like halos 
waves of compromise
shadows of integrity
returned into dust
from the way in which he rubbed me
made a chest of sandpaper
feet heavy like stone
face stoic like granite
just another element
sitting in the desert
space versus emptiness
the power to create versus the lack of motivation to do so
watched him swell like the wind
as he blew pieces of me away
giants are only egos who don't need sex to come into restricted spaces
nonetheless, he was mourned
and grass grew from the tears
blades that cut its way out of the dirt
reached for the sun
made the space so un-empty
and a man so unloved
even the path of reformation seeks retribution
whether it be in the form of sprouting lilies or beating hearts
even death is born

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