Monday, October 11, 2010

who knows it all?

football season is in full effect and basketball season is blooming, which has a profound effect on my blogging abilities on sundays and mondays.  though watching sports is a fairly masculine trait according to the gender rules we abide by, the fact remains, i'm still very much a woman.  and because i'm a woman, i know exactly how it feels to be thrown to the wayside to watch first downs, punts and incomplete passes.  i have the sports center app on my phone.  i programmed my favorite teams and the teams to watch in football, baseball and basketball and when they start playing, i get alerts on every highlight, touchdown, timeout, penalty etc, during the game.  my friend who shall remain anonymous HATES it, primarily because i'll look at my phone and start screaming out of nowhere.  what can i say? sometimes the game gets intense.  this just leads me into who we are and what we expect from one another as men and women.

as far as gender roles go, letting a man feel like a man doesn't have to make you feel less than a woman.  i know and he knows that i am quite capable of opening a door or pulling out my own chair.  however, if doing those things makes him feel like my knight in shining armor, then for the sake of his ego and my nail polish,  i will simply say thank you.  anytime you're looking for a knight in shining armor, that means you have to be a damsel in distress of some sort. i never saw a prince just roll up on a woman working a nine to five, changing her own tire and drinking a heineken during monday night football.
i'm just saying. the term 'damsel in distress' is not used here as a sign of weakness but rather an opening for someone else to give you some balance. let's face it, you won't be good at everything and you physically cannot do it ALL.  i just think that your significant other, also known as prince charming is supposed to be that pause that gives you time to put your pieces back in order.  he [or she] is supposed to be the part of the day you look forward to, knowing that you can find grace in your heart by hearing the beating of theirs.  whether it's watching a movie or getting a bad phone call, there's something about the two of you that makes even the worst things bearable and the good things better.  i say these things like i'm in a relationship but since single men can talk about relationships, then a single AND competent woman can do the same.  speaking of single men talking about relationships, what gives y'all the right and not single women?  you must think that single and bitter are synonyms.  they're not.  considering that from what i've witnessed, your previous relationships usually involved YOU f.cking up in some form or fashion, what entitles you more so than i?  is your experience coming from a place of lessons learned by the bad guy or do you just believe that in the midst of your f.ckedupness [i made that word up], you've returned to the logical part of your brain from which you can give advice without having taken any? i'm just asking.

back to the topic.
in every fairytale, the prince saves her, comforts her when she is afraid and will go to the ends of the earth for her because no one else would.  out of all the things to be mad at a man for, i don't think any of those things qualify.  and in return for rescuing his queen, slaying dragons and taking the day off just to spend it with you, please let him watch monday night football. consider it, king arthur's round table.  i promise you, he'll come to your chambers as soon as it's over.

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