Friday, July 9, 2010

executive decisions

i like my tea the English way, with a little bit of milk, every morning, rain or shine. [and i prefer the actual tea leaves but America doesn't grant me that courtesy] on another note, my cup of tea resembles the sky this morning. steamy, humid, cloudy precipitation, but it feels good going or coming down. you decide.

he said, "making an executive decision [about a particular sacrifice] means you love someone."
realest sh.t he ever said, but he probably didn't know it.

our willingness to sacrifice for another human being with/without their knowledge is a noble act if you intend to save them and actually end up saving them. [it's really up in the air if you don't end up saving them after you've completed this noble act, because i hear the road to hell is paved with good intentions.]  i remember a time where i made an executive decision. i listened to someone's hopes and dreams. i listened to their plans and their desires. and then i listened to something higher that was telling me that the path we were on together would never yield the hopes and dreams as we had discussed. insert executive decision here.  looking back it was painful, urgent and terrifying. but in however many years, when i look at them in conjunction with the hopes and dreams they desire, i'll be very comfortable in that executive decision.  so, yes maybe that is love. the transformation of one being for another.

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