Wednesday, July 14, 2010

you inspire me. yes you.

spaghetti and pretzels are my comfort food. i've always liked salt better than sugar, but my cavities are no evidence of that.  i told myself i would go for 600 words a day. and today when i was in the mood to work on a personal project, i had no time or space to consume myself with the gods of creativity.  

so tonight, i dedicate my 600 words to the inspiration i'm always talking about but never describing.

Tears filled my eyes & streamed down my face multiple times as I read your blog & I honestly don't even know why! You are sooo sooo sooo talented! Seriously, I was really touched, and this line tends to be over used, but it's the most appropriate: that was the realest shit I ever read. Period.  The way you tell your stories is so unique.  You have such a genuine spirit and are a beautiful individual inside & out.. You are an excellent writer and WHEN you publish your first novel, I promise I will wait in that long ass line to have you sign my copy. And please promise me that when you make it big, you'll still keep up the blog...b/c it's only a matter of time. :-) 
*cyber space hug & kiss*

Wanted to tell you your blog is dope. kinda thinking about using it as motivation to do something too.

hey girl- i was stalking your blog. hardcore. just had to say- keep writing, cus i love reading and this might be the realest thing, i ever heard...
and thank whoever it is you pray to because when you want something, you usually find a way to
so true girl! late- but congrats on that degree. keep shining darlin!

Hey Tass! It's been a long time. I hope all is well with you. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog. I've been going thru something the past few months but it feels like an eternity. As much as I try to protect my heart it still manages to get broken. One of your pieces entitled "hey daddy" has helped me a lot. You acknowledge the strength it takes to be your own woman and refuse to be an understudy. Some days are definitely harder than others but I know I'll be ok and one day I'll even find peace. I just wanted you to know in case you ever wonder if your helping anyone by writing your blog.

Take some time out to Read my cousin's blog she is such a great writer...Nothing less than won't be disappointed..

@T_Lloyd 's blog. ALWAYS a great/amazing/inspirational read.

I luv & envy my sister @T_Lloyd for having the guts & courage to speak out loud to pple in ways I could only do in my journal

i know its been a minute but there's only one word to describe this....WOW. im really diggin the blog, keep it up T!

LOL! soooo lemme tell u a quick story and then you can move on from this post. So, I originally came on this page to say "omg, tass, thanks for remembering me and showing some love" but I became nosy and came across your blog. AND it was over, I was first of all pleasantly surprised by how honest you were, how funny were and more importantly, insightful. Your blog is a real good time....seriously. I wanna start one now, except with my memory, Id forget about it. And I doubt i would ever feel settled in the fact that people are reading about my life....anyways, this is too long and winding.
Imma holla!

Hey T!! I took a sneak peek and it was love at first sight! Simply put, you and words were made for each other. toodles! :)

stalked u on yur page today>>> love the blog>> and I'm out! muah! lol

My dear you are truly talented. The Maya Angelou of our time. Well, more like if Maya and Zane had a baby it would be you, lol. Keep writing what's in the hearts of womankind cuz I'll be reading.

Wow definitely got lost in all that. That was pretty amazing! I enjoyed it :)

Ok, i cannot spend anymore time on your blog :-)...definitely some good shit!

it was really good!!! U got some talent there Ms. Lloyd.

Good shyt T. Lloyd.

YAYYY!! I love words inspired by truth. After all, what else is there?

This brings me back to freshman year when you would write all the time and post your inner thoughts all over your walls. I miss those days. *tear* memories. Good stuff...u have inspired me to do my own blog.

i had to go deep into the archives to find some of these comments and i kept them anonymous to maintain the integrity and the kindness of these folks.  i want to tell you tonight, that these words, no matter how simple, complex, long or short they've been have literally brought tears to my eyes [and i do not cry often].  there's something insanely beautiful about people coming together in a time of crisis to understand and sympathize with one another even if it is over a social network.  the idea that you have taken time out of your day to listen to me ramble on about the injustices of love, society and my favorite foods is a time that you will never get back.  you have given me something invaluable and priceless. you have given me your precious moments that you could have easily spent doing something else.  

i met up with the girl my ex was cheating on me with and we confronted him. this was ages ago... in the land before twitter. and after we went through the comparison of timelines and the differences in stories, we went to the bathroom and just cried. we cried and cried and cried until the spirit and the soul started to disagree. in the midst of all those tears, we embraced one another. simply put, i gave the b.tch a hug. and as i hugged her and she hugged me, we exhaled.  in a moment of pain, anguish and confusion, we exhaled.   i literally felt her pain and i'm sure she felt mine. although love is a beautiful thing, loving the same man can make you very ugly. i watched her with the same eyes that fell in love with him. i felt her breasts on my chest where he fell asleep.  she held me in the same arms that he fell asleep in.  her heart, that loved him enough to bring her here beat against mine, that loved him enough to leave him there.  

i say all that to say, that having YOU on my journey is bittersweet.  i enjoy having the company and i enjoy feeling appreciated for sharing my innermost thoughts. however, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that so many of you have shared these thoughts of sadness, loss and disappointment.  though i know it's a part of the journey we must take, i don't have to like it.  i humbly thank you for taking this ride with me. i appreciate it in more words than i could ever type.  my art is my heart and i am eternally grateful that you've been so gentle with it.

in so many words, thank you.

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