Wednesday, July 21, 2010

finally. somebody said it.

“I imagine that being in a relationship is like learning to play the piano, or any
instrument for that matter. There is no sheet music for life. You hit a couple of
notes and sometimes you get lucky and they actually sound pretty good together.
But more often than not, you immediately forget everything that you just did,
and in searching for the same sequence of notes, you actually stumble upon a
completely different melody that is even better than the original. Such was the
case with Anna and Tyler. After having fallen in love and then being separated
for three years, it was a weekend in New York that taught them that sometimes,
just sometimes, the second verse is better than the first.
— Clayton Austin

it's very rare that i post something someone else wrote but this ...this right here...was so important that i had to. for someone who writes, we have to spend a lot of time listening. i hear you.

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