Thursday, July 8, 2010

a vernacular journey

this is a collage. but not because i'm narcissistic and i like the way i look. [in reality, i actually hate pictures, especially if i'm in them] but every so often, some pictures tell the story for me.  it was a hot summer day and i had to sit in the car and wait for my mother. story of my life. so while i was waiting, i figured i might as well keep reading my new project, EAT, PRAY, LOVE.  I read about two chapters and it took me back to me a place i so vividly remember but i try desperately to forget. if u look close enough to the picture of the book, my daughter drew all over it with a marker. i was pissed for about thirty minutes, until i realized she had made this book that i already love unique to my journey, which is what the book is about in the first place.

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