Monday, July 12, 2010

little ones

i've never been a fan of putting children on every social network.  though i want to be recognized for my work, that doesn't mean my child does. so i've done my best with keeping her childhood sacred and away from facebook albums and twitter.  every now and again, i may indulge (one photo only) because it makes it easier for friends to feel connected to a child they can recognize but i can definitely live without it.  anyway, the other day we (mini me, neice & nephew) went to the park.  and i watched these three little people (all under the age of five) run around, smile, laugh, cry and i was in complete amazement.  these were the babies their mothers went through hell for.  these were the babies that nobody wanted but their mothers.  these were the babies that changed our lives.  and now they were living, breathing magnets for germs. it is true what they say, there is no love like a mother's love. and never did i imagine that i could love anyone or be proud of anyone the way i am with these children.  every little thing they do/say blows my mind. i'm still very much in awe of them and with every day, i'm still very much in love. see?

every journey begins with a simple step...

and a nap...

and a prayer...

and a snack...

and a drink...

once you get your footing, just LEAP!

seriously, how much ice cream can y'all eat?

what do we do when the best part of me is always you?

mothers are doctors, pillows, trash cans, bag holders, blankets, chefs, maids, teachers and chauffeurs.  but we are nothing without a hat...

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